Why is the children's pastor going to youth camp?

I’ve been getting asked this question by a few people lately. I know this isn’t my assigned area of ministry. I am going to the Xplore 2011 – Youth Summer Camp this weekend for several reasons.

  1. I think it is a great show of solidarity for the children’s pastor to support the youth ministry vision.
  2. It builds team between the two ministries. Many kidmin and student ministries act like they play for different teams. Turn Youth and Kids Life play on the same team.
  3. I reap what I sow. I am sowing into the youth ministry, I will reap a harvest. Some people need to get a hold of this. If I need workers, I sow work. I don’t know a children’s pastor who doesn’t need more workers. Sow work.
  4. Some of my best workers are going to be there. We have several youth who are involved in serving the kids. I want to do all I can to connect with them.
  5. I may have a  chance to recruit new workers. They need a place to serve more than I need workers. Even if they aren’t ready right now, they may be future leaders.
  6. I get something out of it myself. I am going to steal ideas. I will also play football and pretend to be young again.
  7. I am going to get to increase my sphere of influence. If all I ever do is stay in my little kidmin world my influence is limited.

Thanks to Pastor James for letting me tag along and for the opportunity to speak on “Unleash the Beast WithIN” on Saturday morning. Follow my Xplore tweets this weekend @thejaymart , #xplore11.



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