Acts of the Apostles Chapter 18

Paul goes on to Corinth and meets Priscilla and Aquila. Paul lived with them and they shared the common trade of being tentmakers. Every weekend Paul was in the synagogue reasoning with people about Jesus. The Jews rejected him and he decided to now focus on the Gentiles. Paul started to get some traction through converts.

One night God spoke to Paul in a vision. He told Paul:

  1. Not be afraid
  2. To speak out
  3. Not remain silent
  4. He was with Him
  5. No one will attack or harm him
  6. Many people in the city belong to God

Charges were brought against Paul but the judge wanted nothing to do with disputes over “words”. Paul was let go but the crowd beat someone else in his place. Paul basically spent 1 1/2 years preaching there and moved on.

He shaved his head to make a vow. He stopped in Cenchrea, Ephesus, Caesarea, visited Jerusalem and went on to Antioch. After strengthening the believers in Antioch he went on to Galatia and Phrygia.

Apollos enters the scene. He was a Jew he knew the scriptures and was an eloquent speaker. He was enthusiastic, bold, and accurate. What a target to aim for. He only knew about John’s Baptism so he was working on limited knowledge about Jesus. Priscilla and Aquila explained more to him. He continued preaching and debating after that. He went on to Achaia to preach. He was a great benefit to the believers there.

Let’s aim for this:

  1. to be enthusiastic in our communication – return too our first love
  2. to be accurate – theology and sound doctrine matters
  3. to be bold – stand up for what’s right and true
  4. to be a benefit to other believers – are we adding more value than we are taking?

I pray my life lines up with this.




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