Sons or Servants?

As we are working on some next phases for the church plant I’m a part of a few things have been going through my mind. One of those this week was this:

“When people come into the church with only a servant mentality, title and positions matter. When we come into the church as sons and daughters, relationship matters. The ‘who’ supersedes the ‘do’.”

First off let me say that I think everyone should have a servant’s heart in the church. Jesus clearly modeled this for us when He came to the earth in the form of a servant. He washed the disciples feet to demonstrate that no one is too grand to serve. There’s no debate that we should have the heart of serving all. I believe we gain those we serve: we don’t have influence in this life without serving.

However when we all being a servant to affect our mindset we can get off base. Here’s what I mean by that. Amongst those of us called to ministry and leadership we can get a mindset that we are what we do. Instead of finding our identity in Christ we find it in our accomplishments or titles. We like have clearly defined positions because it gives us easy wins. I’m all for being organized and having job descriptions within our ministries. I’m a huge proponent of it even.

If we are so hung up on what our position is called and what we achieve we can miss the more important things. We are called to be more than just a servant. We are called to be sons and daughters. Sons and daughters have position that is greater than that of a servant. They still have a role to play and a job to fulfill. So many examples in the life of Jesus point to this from the prodigal son to Mary and Martha.

We don’t define our relationship with God based on what WE DO but on what He has ALREADY DONE to bring us into His family. Don’t find your identity in what you do but find it in what He did on the cross.

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